The clubless Korean team

The sky was dark.

Thick smoke billowed ...

In the center of Eastern Sea city, rays of sunlight shone on the land full of ruins, giving it a different view.

Ye bei sat in the middle.

Gu Yue, Tony, Golden Lion, Wang Wen, spring flower, Autumn Moon, pursuing joy, making fun, Blood Moon ... They were the core of the mutant beast Army, and they all surrounded ye bei.

&Quot; the number of snakes has increased to 10000. Mission completed. Evolved Geno points +100. &Quot;

&Quot; new mission activated: crack the technology of the beast God civilization. Reward: 1000 evolved Geno points. &Quot;

The system's voice sounded.

The mission to develop the snake tribe was completed. The number of snakes in Eastern Sea city had reached 150000. This was very normal.