A true face of death

&Nbsp; Whoosh!

On the sea, hot and cold air was exchanged, causing the sea breeze to blow constantly.

This team entered East Ocean City from a very remote Coast. Due to the difference between the sea level and the sea level, and the fact that they had been moving higher in the bushes, the terrain was much higher than East Ocean City.

Therefore, when the team of five stood at the top of the hill and looked at the entire Eastern Sea city, they were all shocked.

Jin zaizhong's facial muscles trembled.

Li chengmin opened her mouth wide ...

Han Shuo took a deep breath, his body rising and falling.

Chui NAI's face turned black, and his eyes were wide open, bloodshot.

Car too expensive's legs were trembling, and he looked like he could fall to the ground at any moment.

The scene they had just witnessed was simply too shocking and beyond their imagination.