Everything can be swallowed

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the 51st District of the United States, after the death ray was released, the entire place shook and rumbled.

However, the outside world was extremely quiet.

A ray of light with a diameter of ten meters shot out ...

When it pierced through the sea, all the fish in front of it were instantly turned to ashes by the light. There was no pain at all. As for the sea water, it was directly penetrated. This kind of death light only hurt living creatures.

And when the light left the sea ... All of humanity instantly fell silent.

The light was too terrifying.

And it was extremely fast ...

It was daytime in Japan, but it was night in the United States ... The moment the death light emerged from the sea, the entire United States seemed to be as bright as day.

"What's going on?"


&Quot; No... Nia, look out the window. There's a huge beam of light suddenly rushing out. &Quot;

&Quot; doomsday, is it the end of the world? "