Truly invincible on earth

As a true monster, not only could it spew fire, it could also shoot death light!

This was the most realistic destructive creature in human fantasy ...

And at that moment, what ye bei needed to do was to obtain the death ray ability.

Chi Chi Chi ...

The death light entered his mouth.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

The terrifying destructive power left ye bei's head full of wounds.

However, a warm current was spreading along his meridians.

Ye bei closed his eyes.

He released his spiritual power domain, and every cell in his body became active.

On the other side ...

In Area 51 of the United States.

The golden-haired president's eyes widened and he took a deep breath."Did you succeed? I saw it ... It hit the monster's head. If the deathlight is invincible, it can definitely pierce through his head."

Morpheus, trinina, and neo also widened their eyes in shock.