The crazy massacre in the sky (1)


On a planet ...

"That's impossible ..."

A hoarse voice suddenly appeared, causing the entire planet to tremble slightly.

Pa, pa, pa ...

Many tentacles had been striking in the air with all kinds of fluorescent lights flashing. After hearing this sound, these tentacles all stopped. The entire planet became extremely strange and silent.

"It's only a rank 6 life form, yet it was able to withstand an attack of that level? What is the beast God civilization doing ... Also, reanalyze the monster immediately! The development on earth seems to have exceeded my expectations!"


Tap tap tap tap!

Immediately after, the entire planet was completely busy again.

&Quot; the king is too powerful ... That terrifying electromagnetic pulse just now was completely annihilated. &Quot;

Morpheus raised his head and mumbled.

"That's great!"

"Hahaha ... Those idiotic beast God civilizations are dead!"

"As expected of the king!"