The crazy massacre in the sky (2)

"The monster is charging in! What do we do next?"

In the wormhole above the Pacific Ocean, inside the battleship of the beast God civilization.

The six supreme commanders sat in a circle on the huge stone chairs, but the atmosphere was extremely tense. The higher-ups of the beast God who were usually calm and aloof couldn't calm down at all.

"We have a hundred super battleships carrying countless weapons. Even if we fail, we can blow the entire earth into pieces! The monster has rushed in. What we should do now is to get rid of the shackles of the positive and negative electron vortex, get out of the wormhole, and let our warship be on earth! Only then can we fully display our combat strength."

&Quot; intelligent assistant, how much time do we have before we leave the wormhole? "

Di di di ...

In the hall, the alarm sounded extremely intense.