The composition of the three-body civilization

Earth, in a hidden underground base.

A monster with a horse's head and a human's body was sitting in front of a laptop left behind by human civilization.

Pa, pa, pa ...

His fingers were very nimble.

He was typing on the computer.

Those pitch-black eyes were filled with the light of wisdom.

Pa pa ...

As he continued to type, lines of text began to appear on the computer. The content was as follows:

[ title: detailed decryption of the Tri-body civilization, showing you the true strength of a Level-10 civilization. ]


The Tri-body civilization was located in the Centaur constellation. Their exact location was unknown because their civilization was a Trinity. Their coordinates could move freely within the entire Centaur constellation and change. It was impossible to lock onto them unless the entire Centaur constellation was destroyed.

In addition, the Tri-body civilization was not a carbon-based life form.