This is what it means to have a different heart

"My King, Morpheus has sent us some information."

After Caesar received the information and glanced at it, his expression changed drastically. He then hurriedly said to ye bei, "

"What's the content?"

Ye bei flicked his tongue.

"About the three-body civilization ..."

&Quot; the three-body civilization? "

At the side, Wang Wen, Golden Lion, Blood Moon, and Gu Yue were all interested. Something that could make Caesar report must be something important. The threat of the huge planet was getting closer and closer, but the snake civilization didn't have any understanding of the three-body civilization.


Ye bei was very decisive.

&Quot; hmm ... Morpheus sent us information that someone posted on the SS website. After a strict analysis, he confirmed that the post is more than 99% true! &Quot; Caesar said.


Ye bei couldn't help but widen his eyes at these words.

"Continue," Ye bei flicked his tongue.