Ling Pingan’s Crayfish Feast (2)

Ling Pingan carried the ingredients he had bought home.

Then, he took a bucket and poured all the crayfish into it.

These crayfish had already been processed. The veins of the crayfish had been removed, and the back had been cut open.

He took the bottle of white wine he had bought at a roadside stall and poured it all into the bucket.

Then, he took a few pieces of perilla leaves that he had bought and placed them into the bucket.

"Let's marinate it for two hours first!" After doing all these things, he placed the bucket in the shade of the balcony.

He let the crayfish ferment fully here.

That was Ling Pingan's secret recipe that he would not pass on to others.

After marinating the crayfish through this process, the meat would be tender, and the shell would be crispy. The flesh would not age no matter how it was fried or cooked!

Moreover, there would be also a tint of the aroma of wine when eating them. It was especially good!