Before the Feast (1)

Ling Pingan placed the beef in the slow oven and looked at the time.

"I'll come back to take a look in an hour..." as he said, he picked up the kitten, Bastet, who was sleeping beside the plastic basin and slowly walked down the stairs.

When he walked down.

All the drones lost their monitoring of the rooftop.

Because there was an invisible fog that started to envelop the rooftop.

Situ He and Xia Ping were in the monitoring room were still reluctant to leave.

They were still looking at the rooftop that was covered by the fog. They were imagining what was happening on the rooftop at the same time.

It must be something marvelous.

And it must be something that ordinary people could not imagine!

... ... ... ... ... ... ..

At 10 p.m.

A passenger plane slowly landed at Capital's International Airport.