A Gentleman is Open and Poised

"Ling-san..." the sweet Fusang girl delivered the steaming hot Tonkotsu ramen to Ling Pingan. "Here's your ramen!"

"Thank you!" Ling Pingan opened the takeaway box and looked at the large pieces of pork inside. He immediately started to dig in with his chopstick.

He immediately began to eat impatiently.

As he ate, he asked, "Chiba-chan... How's your aunt and cousin's application?"

The girl from Fusang immediately smiled and replied, "Thanks to you, Ling-san, my aunt and cousin's application went very smoothly!"

"The immigration department called this morning and said that they passed the review!"

"Oh..." Ling Pingan nodded.

"Oh right, my cousin has also successfully applied to be an overseas student at the University of Jiangcheng!" Chiba Michiko said, "They will come by plane in a few days..."

"Maybe in the future, my cousin will also deliver meals on my behalf!" The girl smiled brightly when she thought of this!