Angel of Rfgedemption

Ling Pingan waited until twelve o'clock, but there wasn't a single customer.

Ling Pingan could only close the shop door in disappointment.

"Good Night!" He said to the kitten sleeping on the towel.


The kitten meowed softly. Its amber cat eyes reflected the people who were anxious to start paying tribute in the fog outside the door.

Today was the last day.

After this village, who knew when this shop would appear.

All the tributaries were extremely anxious.

It slowly lowered its head and closed its eyes. It was like a normal kitten, not paying attention to the outside world.

Creak creak..

The owner stepped on the stairs and made a terrifying yet complicated sound.

With this sound, Bastet fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, one terrifying creature after another squeezed in through the glass door.

They were all disappointed when they saw the kitten sleeping on the towel!