Bug Swarm vs. Aliens (3)

Inside the sacrificial chamber.

People were panicking and shooting randomly with their weapons.


Most of their bullets hit the air.

Only a few of them hit the attacking monsters.

The monsters' bodies fell down.

Their bodies were fist-sized, covered with cuticle shells, and covered with sharp barbs.

It looked a little like a cockroach, but it was much bigger.

Its surface was green, and there was an obvious bulging pouch on its abdomen.

As it fell to the ground, its abdomen exploded.

The corrosive liquid immediately burned the stone slab until it was sizzling and smoking!

People panted in panic.

At this time, one of the expedition members suddenly exclaimed, "Oh my god!"

Densely packed monsters appeared on the hole.

There were at least one thousand of them!

They surged out like a tide.

Terrifying mouthparts opened one after another.