Bug Swarm vs. Aliens (4)

Dragging the octopus alien injected with paralytic toxin.

The remaining kamikaze members passed through the dense swarm.

They reappear at the exit.

Here, a dozen flying insects, apparently larger than the others, are already waiting.

They are the Queen's guard.

These flying insects were more than twice the size of their own kind.

There were no poisonous thorns all over their bodies. Instead, they were very smooth.

However, there were bulging tumors growing on their abdomen.

These tumors were their weapons.

Mixed with poison, under the catalysis of psionic power, they flashed with a fatal halo.

Each of these tumors was a bomb!

Once they were launched, they would immediately explode and form a poisonous fog under the catalysis of psionic power!

This poisonous fog could even pass through the skin and enter the body of a living creature.