Law of the Jungle!

He looked at the number that appeared on the screen.

3 collections..

Ling Pingan smacked his lips.

One update and two new collections?

Was it so hard to get a new book now?

He scratched his head and silently closed the web page.

Then, he looked back at his manuscript. After feeling that there were no problems, he continued to write.

Now, he began to write about the war with the aliens.

According to his idea, he began to write on the document.

Ancient extraterrestrial ruins..

Directly holding the top of the pyramid!

Ancient Egypt, ancient Shang dynasty, and ancient Khmer style pyramids stood silently under the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Curious scientists mistakenly entered the ruins.

They thought they had discovered history, but in the end, they found nightmares.

A terrifying biochemical weapon left behind by ancient aliens on earth was sleeping here.