Mimicry Potion

In the morning, Ling Pingan woke up especially early.

He woke up before seven o'clock.

After a simple wash, he rushed downstairs.

"How many collections did I get last night?" He thought.

"Five? Ten?"

With such high expectations, he didn't even pay attention to his pet's daily attempt to act cute and please him.

He didn't open the shop first like in the past.

Instead, he first turned on the computer and sat at the counter, waiting anxiously.

The old-fashioned computer turned on slowly.

There was also a lot of noise, especially from the fans, which was very loud.

However, Ling Pingan was already used to it.

He listened to the sound in the computer case and watched the screen slowly light up. Two minutes later, the window finally appeared as usual.

He immediately clicked into the web page, entered the author backstage, and nervously looked at the data on the screen.
