Wine brewing

Ling PingAn finally returned to the door of the shop, carrying two bags of grapes.

He took out his key and opened the door.

Then, he carried the grapes in his hand.

The Kitten Bastet followed him in.

Ling PingAn placed the two bags of grapes in his hand on the table.

Then, he collapsed on the sofa.

"I'm tired..."

"I'm so tired..."

He waved his hand, which was not sore at all, imagining how tired he looked.

So, he stuck out his tongue and panted.

Bastet walked up to him and gently stuck out its tongue to lick its master's hand as if to comfort him.

"Little Boy, you have a conscience!" Ling PingAn was very satisfied.

He rubbed the little guy's head.

Then, he sat up and looked up at the clock on the wall. It was already past four.

"Let's watch TV and get ready to brew the wine!" Ling PingAn said. Then, he walked to the cabinet, sat down, and turned on the TV.