
Ling PingAn turned on the computer and made himself a cup of tea.

He sat at the counter, drinking tea while waiting for the computer to turn on.

His computer was very old. It was an old model from seven or eight years ago.

It was getting very slow every time it turned on.

The computer box was buzzing non-stop.

However, its quality was excellent. After using it for so long, there had never been any problems.

It was just that the processor was too old to carry most of the game software on the market, so it could only be used for office work or writing.

However, now it was the era of the mobile internet.

It didn't matter if the computer was rubbish, as long as the phone was useful.

Therefore, Ling PingAn didn't change it.

After two minutes, there was finally a view appeared on the screen, and all the software icons began to appear one by another.

Some automated software also began to boot up.