the Adventures of the Cross Slope (4)

At midnight in winter, the temperature was very low.

It was almost sub-zero.

The wind blew in the forest, making a sound.

In the distance, the whimpering of the owl was intermittent.

The rotten matter underfoot made a rustling sound when stepped on.

The kitten curled up in the arms of its master and was very docile.

The trees seemed to be a little crooked?

The branches were stretched out in a mess. The withered leaves were still tenaciously sticking to the branches at the top of the tree.

The pale moonlight shone down and the shadows were indistinct. It was like the atmosphere at the beginning of a horror movie.

However, Ling Pingan felt very comfortable.

The countless thoughts in his heart rose and fell as he advanced.

Bits of light appeared beside him.

Ling Pingan looked at it. "Fireflies!"


How could there be fireflies in the middle of winter?