Origins (6)

Unknowingly, many years had passed.

In the silent universe, color suddenly appeared.

A blue planet was slowly rotating.

There was no psionic power or any other supernatural energy on this planet.

It was a very rare material world.

Out of a hundred universes, there might only be one such material world.

Every such world was covered and protected by the endless fog of time and space.

Although it was almost undetectable, things were quietly changing on it.

As a meteor streaked across the sky, it brought a soul from the future.

History entered a new branch, opening up a brand new world.

Thus, the protective shield of materialism exploded.

This world was like a lamb without protection, exposed to all predators.

When a golden door opened, a seraph flew out.

He looked at this world.

"Lord..." he prayed, "This is a brand-new ranch!"

"I will spread your faith to every corner of this world!"