Origins (5)

The sticker was trembling.

Lines of golden words then appeared on the entire hillside.

"On an auspicious day, Emperor Mu and Emperor Yu..."

The ancient chanting seemed to echo in his ears.

This was... the biggest god of the system, the East Emperor Taiyi!

Two hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Ling family did not summon the young master.

Did they summon the Emperor Taiyi instead?

When Ling Ping'an realizes this. His head suddenly transformed into a mass of fog.

Streams of milky mist were seeping out of it.

A pair of eyes was burning like stars.

The Golden Flame was seeping out of them.

And the whole world, in his eyes, has changed completely.

He seemed to cross time, along the river of time, up to the source of time, all the starting point.

A universe that was about to be destroyed was heading towards its final end in despair.
