Killer in the Night


The battle between the cold father and the wandering lion was happening intensely!

The roars of the two lions and the ferocious sounds of biting terrified the five female lions and Lars, who did not dare to go forward.

Chu Xiaoye knew that once the cold father was defeated, the entire pride would be doomed!

This was not the time to follow the rules.

He brought Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei past the five female lions and walked towards the two male lions.

Although with their current bodies, they could not fight against this adult lion that was nearly 200 kilograms, they only needed to create some disturbances and the cold father's chances of winning would be much greater.


Aisha and Xi'er were frightened and hurriedly ran over to shout at them.

The battle of these two colossi was not something the three of them, who were still underage, could interfere with.

Lars's eyes were filled with ridicule.