The Lion's Invasion

It was dangerous by the river.

The hot weather, lack of food, and decreasing water sources made all the animals' tempers become even more violent.

The hippopotamuses that had migrated from the downstream were bullying the crocodiles again.

To occupy more river water, the hippopotamus group, under the lead of the leader, started to attack the crocodiles.

The originally muddy river water was now covered in mud and chaos.

The crocodiles had no choice but to swallow their anger again and continue to move upstream, giving the hippopotamuses more territory.

However, with the arrival of the dry season and the continued decline of the river, war would erupt again sooner or later.

In order to survive, the crocodiles had no choice but to defend the last stretch of water.

By the river.

A few zebras also fought for positions to drink water.