
The situation was not optimistic.

However, life had to continue.

The reproduction and survival of lions still needed them to work together.

Catherine brought the water bag in front of Chu Xiaoye.

After Chu Xiaoye drank it, he let Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei drink their fill. Then, he raised his claws and pointed at the distant rocky hill.

He looked at the female cub in front of him and felt that she should understand.

Of course, Catherine understood.

However, she was worried about his safety.

He was injured and could not climb trees. What if that terrifying big cat returned?

Chu Xiaoye looked at the rocky hill that merged into the night in the distance and was worried about Maya and her two newly born children.

In such hot weather and living in a cave, she had not hydrated herself from food for a few days. He did not know if she could make it through.

They had to send the water over as soon as possible.