The Missing Maya


The sun had yet to set.

On the withered grassland, the temperature was still hot and unbearable.

However, Chu Xiaoye could not wait anymore.

He left the camp alone and walked towards the distant rocky hill.

Before confirming that Maya and the two young cubs were really dead, he would never give up.

The cold father and the female lions were injured and could not go out to take risks.

Mei Mei needed to take care of Little Curly Tail.

Only Catherine followed behind him silently.

She had been running around the rocky hill from last night to noon, and she was already exhausted.

However, she still followed him stubbornly. No matter how he chased away the threats, she did not leave.

The grassland in the distance was endless.

However, there was only withered grass, flying dust, and hot air.

The herbivores that had once formed groups had long disappeared.

Some died and some migrated.