The Hero Taking Over


The lion's roar was mixed with a strange elephant's cry. On the battlefield in the bushes, it suddenly sounded!

The battle finally started!

The Lion Alliance's manes fluttered as they charged forward aggressively with an unstoppable momentum!

They bared their sharp fangs, their eyes filled with ferocity and bloodthirst as they pounced ferociously!

Chu Xiaoye ran up and fought two enemies alone!

The little elephant raised its long nose and wagged its tail as it ran towards the adult lion!

The thin and weak brothers, on the other hand, pounced at another adult lion that was in its prime!

Lars stood at the side and watched the battle suddenly erupt. Just as he was at a loss as to what to do, he suddenly saw that the brat who was overestimating his capabilities suddenly jump up high and slap his two sworn brothers' faces with a bang!