The Aura of a King


Chu Xiaoye could not be bothered with it and threw it a disdainful look.

Whether you are male or female, what has it got to do with me?

Eat your leaves!

Chu Xiaoye could not be bothered with this group of tailing bugs. He walked under a bush and lay down. He closed his eyes and prepared to rest.

At this moment.

The female lion and her daughter also walked over and lay at the side.


Chu Xiaoye immediately opened his eyes and roared, telling them to walk further away!

He was not a JPman!

The female lion and her daughter were frightened. They hurriedly got up, walked to another patch of grass at the side, and lay down.

They only wanted to be close to him and be safer.

After those unconscious lions woke up, they did not know if they would come and find trouble with them again.

The Chino brothers consciously walked not far away and lay down, acting as bodyguards.