The First Battle on the King's Path

The silver moon hung high in the sky.

The night wind was cool and felt quite comfortable when it blew on his body.

At this time, the camp of the cold father's pride was still more than 30 degrees warm.

As for Little Curly Tail and the others, their mouths should be open as they panted in the gradually withering bushes.

The harsh environment was tormenting them bitterly.

Chu Xiaoye looked up at the vast and beautiful grassland in front of him.

This was the home of their pride.

He had to obtain territory as soon as possible and build his own kingdom and faction. Then, he would bring Little Curly Tail and the others over.

Tonight was the first night they came to this grassland.

The battle tonight was not only to save his face, but also to let him regain his confidence and fill him with confidence and hope for his future journey.

There was no personal grudge or old grievance. He only wanted to prove himself.