Stronger Enemies


Chu Xiaoye pounced at the group of cubs!

Before the female lions standing not far from the cubs could react, they saw a figure flash over with lightning speed, bite the neck of a cub, and run out.

With the lion king present and so many female lions, they never would have thought that this invader would be so daring!


The pride was furious when they saw this scene!

Be it the three lions or the other lionesses, they roared and chased after him.

Chu Xiaoye bit the neck of a cub and quickly ran towards the forest. His running speed did not seem to be affected.

Roars came from behind. The lions were furious and wanted to tear him into pieces!

The three adult lions did not run for long before they slowed down while panting and fell behind.

As for the female lions, they still ran over.

This pride was extremely strong. If they fought face to face, many wandering lions would not be their match.