Little White Lion


Chu Xiaoye lay on the ground and looked at them with his eyes wide open. His mind was filled with questions.

These two idiots actually survived and returned alive. Congratulations. However, what were they doing now?

The Chino brothers dug and felt that the pit was too difficult to dig. When they finished digging, the corpse of their young king would probably have rotted long ago.

Anyway, there were mud pits everywhere. Why not drag their young king into the mud pits and bury him with soil?

The two brothers looked at each other and felt that this method was feasible.

Anyway, their king was dead. It did not matter how he was buried. It was enough to express their loyalty.

There was a mud pit beside them.

The two brothers immediately walked to Chu Xiaoye's side with sorrowful expressions. One in front of the other, Big Chino prepared to bite his neck, and Little Chino prepared to bite his tail.