The dignity of a King


Chu Xiaoye got up, raised his hind leg, and kicked the little white lion's head, causing her to roll back. With a splash, she fell into the river.

Before the two rhinoceroses that were like small mountains rushed over, Chu Xiaoye quickly fled this place.

In the river.

He had already cut open the abdomen of the crocodile. It would definitely attract more crocodiles.

If the little white lion could not get up immediately, it could only die in the stomach of the crocodile.

She asked for it!

Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you're white!

He, Chu Xiaoye, did not fall for this trick!

The forest was extremely lively.

All sorts of carnivores came after hearing the news and wolfed down the pride's corpses that they had never dared to imagine.

Chu Xiaoye found a tall Baobab tree and gently climbed up. He hid in the lush leaves to sleep.