The Crisis of the Cold Father's pride!


With an explosion, black smoke surged.

However, before this black smoke could spread, it was sucked into the fat girl's nose and she savored it slowly.

She narrowed her eyes, raised her nose, and flapped her ears gently, looking like she was extremely enjoying it.

Belia, who was standing not far away, was stunned when she saw this scene.

She had just fainted from this fellow's fart previously.

It was so incredibly smelly that no stench could compare to it!


Under the lead of the elephant, the elephant herd trampled all the giant turtles into meat paste before walking to the river and roaring at the downstream, as if they were demonstrating and warning.

After the fat girl finished smoking, she was called back by the elephant herd and left reluctantly.

The way he looked back every three steps before leaving seemed to be saying, "Brother, prepare the cigarettes well. Don't lose them. I'll come back again."