The Lion King's Submission


Little Curly Tail's sharp claws cut open the hyena's open mouth and extended behind its neck to its tail!

He stopped behind the hyena.

The hyena roared and turned around. It looked at him with scarlet eyes and suddenly lowered its chin. Blood flowed out of the cut the sharp claw made!

A mangled wound appeared on its mouth to its tail!

However, it did not scream or escape. There seemed to be no fear in its blood-like eyes.

It still pounced forward.

Little Curly Tail was stunned for a moment. He suddenly turned around and swung his tail like a divine dragon. The curled tail behind him suddenly straightened and slapped his face, sending him flying.

On the other side.

Mei Mei had already cut open the hyena's abdomen and its intestines flowed out.

However, the hyena still pounced at her ferociously.