The Ferocious White Tiger


The colorful tiger lay on the ground with its mouth open and let out a desperate and unbelievable whimper. Its body twitched a few times and it died completely.

The white female tiger was still looking up at the young figure on the tree.

Chu Xiaoye looked at her solemnly.

This white female tiger looked even stronger and smarter. It was definitely not something that the colorful tiger could compare to.

From her cold attitude towards the colorful tiger, it was clear that their relationship was not intimate. The colorful tiger was like the grassland lions, and had no status here.

The white female tiger looked up at him for a while under the tree but did not climb up the tree. Instead, she lowered her head and looked at the cave not far away.

Chu Xiaoye's heart skipped a beat. Could she have already discovered them?