Little White Tiger

"Roar —"

When the little white tiger came in front of the big white tiger, the big white tiger saw that Chu Xiaoye was still hiding on the tree and not coming down. It immediately roared angrily and raised its huge claws, looking at him threateningly.

As long as she slashed, the entire tree would break.

As for Chu Xiaoye, who was hiding on the tree, even if he did not die from the fall, he would at least be crippled!

The little white tiger stood beside its mother and also raised its head to look at Chu Xiaoye on the tree. Its round eyes were filled with curiosity.

She was probably wondering what this fellow with dyed blond hair was. Could it be a new toy her mother gave her?


The little white tiger mimicked its mother and called out ferociously, but its voice was childish and did not have any might.

She raised her upper body and lay on the tree. As she roared, she climbed up.

His movements looked extremely agile.