The Boss of the Mafia Alliance


Little Curly Tail's straight iron-like tail lashed at another lion!

When the lion saw its brother die tragically, it was already terrified. How could it dare to take it head-on? It hurriedly rolled out of the ground and narrowly avoided the iron tail.


Little Curly Tail's tail slapped the ground heavily, splashing grass all over the ground.

The lion was shocked beyond compare. It hurriedly jumped up from the ground, turned around, and fled into the distant darkness, letting out a terrified roar.

Little Curly Tail retracted his tail and chased after him!

He was extremely fast and caught up in the blink of an eye.

Just as he jumped up and was about to pounce on it, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the darkness beside him. With a whoosh, it instantly arrived and collided with his body!


Before Little Curly Tail could react, he was suddenly sent flying and fell heavily to the ground.