The Killer God of the Mafia


A muffled bang!

Big Nuka, who was attacking a member of the Mafia alliance with the female lions, was sent flying by a silent black lion!

Big Nuka fell to the ground in a sorry state and could not get up for a long time.

After the black lion sent him flying, it suddenly jumped up and pushed Maya to the ground, biting her head!

If she was bitten by his sharp fangs, Maya's skull would be instantly crushed.

Her two children would also lose their mothers.

Right at this critical moment, Little Curly Tail's tail flew over from behind with a whoosh. It wrapped around the black lion's hind leg and suddenly pulled!

The black lion was caught off guard and its four hundred kilogram body was pulled to the ground and retreated.


He immediately roared angrily and stood up. He suddenly pulled his hind legs forward and a huge force suddenly flipped Little Curly Tail to the ground.