Open the Belly


Chu Xiaoye did not hesitate and was the first to rush up. His golden claws were like a meteor that cut through the sky as they shot towards the black lion king!

At the same time, Little Curly Tail, Mei Mei, Tilly, and Catherine also pounced forward.


Balo roared angrily. He was still extremely ferocious despite fighting five alone!

The sharp claws scratched his body, causing a series of sparks, as if blades were colliding and letting out an ear-piercing sound of collision and friction.

Catherine's silver claw pierced into the place where he had just been injured again. If he had not turned around to counterattack, his stomach would have been immediately cut open!


Catherine, who had succeeded in one hit, was sent flying by this black lion king's slap. After falling to the ground, she could not get up for a long time.