Lion Head

Night fell.

Chu Xiaoye and the others were trapped on the tree.

Under the tree were more than thirty strong black lions.

They kept walking below and roaring, as if they wanted to pressure them and make them afraid, then fall from the tree.

Chu Xiaoye lay on the tree with his eyes closed and did not move. He was quickly recovering his strength.

Because he had absorbed the recovery ability of the golden-haired lion king, his injuries had long recovered. However, he was tired, hungry, thirsty, and sleepy.

He ignored the roars below and took the time to rest.

Catherine lay beside him. Although she was seriously injured, she still opened her eyes and protected him silently.

Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei lay on another big tree at the side. They were limp and exhausted. It seemed to be difficult for them to even stand up.

However, they still bared their fangs and responded to the pride below.