
The python fell to the ground and died completely.

Chu Xiaoye ignored the cold father's pitiful and contradictory gaze and walked in front of the python's upper body. He observed it carefully and realized that this python looked like a forest python that had once appeared in the Amazon forest.

The forest boa was called the largest snake in the world by humans. It was more than ten meters long and was a predator at the top of the food chain in the South American river.

An adult forest python would even prey on caimans. Its skin could be extended many times and it could swallow prey that was much larger than itself.

The strangulation power of this animal was extremely astonishing. As long as prey was wrapped by its thick body, most of them would die.

However, this animal was a water-loving animal and usually liked to live in the primitive forest on both sides of the river. It was fine if it did not move, but its movements were astonishing.