Black Bear King

The Black Bear Spirit roared as it came.

After running close to the pride, its huge and majestic body suddenly stood up and let out a deafening roar. It looked even more ferocious and terrifying!

The Chino brothers almost peed their pants.

The other members of the pride looked at the tall, strong, and extremely fierce figure in front of them and were rather nervous.

The tall mixed fur, blue eyes, and the Jerry brothers looked much shorter and weaker than the standing black bear.

The black bear bared its fangs and brandished its claws. It roared continuously, but it did not attack immediately.

Its meaning was obvious. "Those who submit to me will prosper and those who resist will die! Only by submitting to me and becoming my king will you survive!"

It wanted to take this pride for its own use!

The lions following behind it immediately pretended to be majestic and roared proudly, urging Chu Xiaoye's pride to surrender immediately!