Ghost of the Night

"Take aim. This lion looks like it's not to be trifled with. If we anger it, we can only shoot it."

The human loaded the anesthetic gun and the other two humans aimed their shotguns at the target.

Blue Eyes hid in the bushes, only revealing his head and his entire body trembling.

He was not a timid lion in the past.

He had been through hundreds of battles, experienced countless deaths, and seen too many powerful creatures. However, he was not as terrifying as this creature he had seen now.

These creatures were not terrifying themselves, like monkeys, but the things in their hands terrified all the powerful lions!

Even a huge elephant could not last for more than a few seconds in front of these species.

Any ferocious and powerful animal could not resist them.

Blue Eyes had seen the scene of these species killing other animals many times, so at this moment, he was so terrified and desperate.