Human Village

The route was a little familiar.

Chu Xiaoye followed for a while before waking up in shock.

He and the pride had once walked this route and it led to the village full of corpses.

They had once encountered the first red-eyed monster there. It suddenly rushed out of the house with scarlet eyes and extraordinary strength.

Almost everyone in the village was dead. The entire village was empty, like a living hell.

Now, the jeep was walking over.

From afar, Chu Xiaoye saw lights coming from the village and a floating bonfire.

When he walked closer, he realized that the village was already full of people.

Even outside the village, many tents were built. Many white-skinned men and women were surrounding a bonfire, sitting on the ground, or singing and dancing. They were having a good time.

Further away, soldiers were holding guns and patrolling the surrounding grassland vigilantly.