Wanting To Beat His Granddaughter Again!

Bai Guofu's gnarled fingers wiped away his tears and he said enthusiastically, "Ancestor, please take a seat."

The old man Bai Guofu had given up his seat right in front of everyone to her. Then, he eagerly took out the top-grade tea leaves, which he would be reluctant to drink on a normal occasion, to personally brew a cup of tea for Bai Chuwei.

This behavior of his was unbecoming as the dignified master of the Bai Family. Instead, he resembled a… lackey?

The scene stunned everyone into silence. No one had expected such a development to occur.

Bai Yinyin raised her eyes to meet those of her parents and she wondered if her grandfather was suddenly suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Bai Chuwei's beautiful eyes surveyed her surroundings and from the looks of it, the villa was spread across five hundred square meters approximately. It was three stories high and had a basement. In addition, it came with a garden and was decorated in authentic European style. Every single artifact in the house was of high quality.

Bai Yinyin noticed Bai Chuwei's wandering gaze and coldly snorted as she muttered in ridicule. "As expected of a country bumpkin. I'm sure that you've not stayed in such a luxurious house before."

Bai Chuwei received the tea that the old man had personally brewed. After taking a sip, she coincidentally spoke at the same time as Bai Yinyin, "Little Fu, it seems like the Bai Family is getting poorer under your management. I remember that the grand Bai Family of the past had occupied the entire west mountain, and was a big household with a lot of businesses. Right now, you're staying in such a tiny house?"

T-tiny house?

Bai Yinyin was stunned for a moment. She flushed red in anger before leveling a glare at Bai Chuwei. She spoke in a discomfited voice, "Who are you to speak to my grandfather in this tone? Do you know how expensive villas are in this area? This villa itself is worth fifty million! You can't even afford to buy our toilet even if you sold yourself!"

*Pa-pa!* Two loud slaps resounded through the hall.

Bai Yinyin covered her reddened cheeks and looked at her grandfather in disbelief. Her lips had started to tremble. "Grandfather… you hit me? You hit me for the sake of this outsider? You've never laid even a finger at me since I was born!"

Bai Guofu angrily reproached her. "Outsider? How is your ancestor an outsider? Yinyin, you better behave yourself and immediately apologize to her!"

At that moment, the only thought that surfaced in Bai Yinyin's mind was to disfigure Bai Chuwei's face. She cried and ran into her mother's embrace while tears streamed down her face.

"On what basis do I have to apologize? I won't apologize!"

You want me to apologize? Dream on!

With an embarrassed look, Bai Guofu turned to face Bai Chuwei. He rubbed his hands awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry to have let you witness a sorry spectacle like this. I failed in disciplining my granddaughter. The Bai Family… has indeed declined under my management."

If it were someone else who said that, Bai Guofu would have already flown into a rage. However, the one who had spoken these words, was the ancestor!

Bai Guofu peered at Bai Chuwei through the mist of the fragrant tea. He sighed deep down inside.

Sixty years ago when he was ten years old, the country was in a state of famine and he had lost many family members to death due to hunger. On his deathbed, his father had told him to visit his ancestor in Yunwu Mountains.

At that point in time, he had fainted at Bai Chuwei's doorsteps after arduously climbing the mountain. He had been dizzy with hunger.

Not only did the ancestor save him by providing him with food, she also gave him seeds to cultivate.

Back in those days, food that could save lives were much more precious compared to gold!

With the food and seeds which Bai Chuwei gave him, he managed to survive and slowly began to prosper.

Bai Guofu glanced at Bai Chuwei and noticed that she had come empty-handed. Despite having lived for more than seventy years and after tasting countless delicacies, he was still unable to forget the taste of cabbages that his ancestor had planted!

Bai Chuwei put down the teacup and shot a glance at the sobbing Bai Yinyin with amusement in her eyes. "I took a free ride here earlier, and gifted the vegetables to the car owner."

The moment Bai Guofu heard that, his heart ached. He got so angry that he wanted to beat his granddaughter once again!

It was all due to Yinyin's silly idea to delay sending the car to pick up Bai Chuwei. All his vegetables were gone now because of her.

Bai Yinyin covered her red cheeks with her hands and asked in anger. "Grandfather, who is this woman?"