Bai Family’s Adoptive Daughter

Bai Guofu looked at Bai Chuwei in awe and answered softly. "She's your ancestor."

During the past sixty years, he had grown from a child to an old man with a headful of white hair. However, Bai Chuwei still looked like an 18-year-old young lady and time seemed to have stopped for her. It was impossible to discern her exact age.

Bai Yinyin was so angry that she nearly vomited blood. Her grandfather's answer made her suspect if he really had Alzhemer's, now.

Bai Chuwei gently twisted her neck to look at him and asked in a languid voice. "Have you settled the task of my enrollment in Henghua?"

Bai Guofu nodded deferentially. Suddenly, a glint flashed through his muddled eyes as a thought occurred to him.

He then spoke to her in all cautiousness, "It'll take a few more days to be finalized. Moreover, it would be safer to have parents when you're studying outside. So, I was wondering if you are willing to be registered as an adopted daughter under my second son, Bai Hongguang?"

In fact, the old man had some selfish thoughts about that arrangement. He had two sons. His eldest son's family was rather stable, with a capable grandson who was the prime candidate to inherit the company.

However, his second son's family was, honestly, too lackluster. Bai Hongguan was incapable, and spent his time drinking and indulging in pleasure, causing the old man to be deeply worried for his future.

But if Bai Hongguang and his family managed to get connected with the ancestor, he would not have to worry about his second son becoming penniless after he passed away in the future.

Bai Chuwei's lips curled up in a meaningful smile. She was well aware of Bai Guofu's thoughts.

She sighed internally. As expected, the scenario was really unfolding as per its original track. The Bai Chuwei of the original story was an orphan and had enrolled in Henghua as the adopted daughter of the Bai Family. Even with the system malfunctioning, the scenario still remained the same.

Liu Man's anger shot through the roof and she glared at her husband, Bai Hongguan. She leaned over and whispered angrily. "Did you agree to let that girl get registered under our family? Why didn't you discuss this with me?"

Since the old man had mentioned it, he must have discussed it with Bai Hongguan in private!

She had been unable to conceive another child ever since her body was hurt giving birth to Bai Yinyin. Numerous private visits to famed doctors yielded no results and as time passed, Liu Man became rather headstrong and all matters of the second family had to go through her.

Accepting an adopted daughter under the second family was an extremely huge matter!

Did he not think about the cost of raising another daughter? Won't she need money to study? What about the future when she gets married when they would have to fork out the dowry for her? Why did that idiot Bai Hongguan agree to this? Why didn't they register that leech under the first son instead?

Were they disregarding her as the mistress of the family? The thought of Bai Hongguang's womanizing behavior caused the rage in Liu Man's eyes to intensify.

Bai Hongguan hastily waved his hand and said in a panicky voice, "I had heard about the adoption, but I assumed that father would send her to my elder brother's family!"

How could Liu Man possibly believe his words? If not for the fact that the old man was present, she would have given her husband a big slap at this moment.

Bai Guofu looked at his second son and his wife in shock. Did they think that he was causing them harm by registering the ancestor under their family?

Bai Chuwei propped her hand under her chin and looked at the husband-wife's bickering.

In the original story, the foster parents had sold Bai Chuwei in the black market in exchange for money, for the sake of Bai Yinyin. The original owner had been enslaved, beaten and lived a miserable and inhuman life, suffering all possible hardships.

Bai Chuwei opened her lips and added oil to the fire as she called out to Bai Hongguan in a deceptively soft voice. "Father."

When Liu Man heard that, she immediately concluded that Bai Hongguan had not informed her and accepted the adoption in secret. In a fit of rage, she ruthlessly kicked Bai Hongguan on his ankles.

The middle-aged man cried out in pain and instantly rolled down from the sofa. He rolled back and forth on the carpet in intense pain.

Bai Chuwei was pretty satisfied with the result.

Very good, I like watching dogfights!