Inviting Trouble From Doing Nothing

There were more and more rumors about the headlines outside.

The top computing firms in the country also knew what had happened today.

The five to six suspects were also suspecting each other.

In fact, a few minutes later.

Everyone locked onto their target.

"Was it you! Was it you?! You little brat, you even dared to mess up other people's headlines?!"

The inspector roared angrily as he slammed his palm towards the back of the young man's head.

The young man hugged his head, feeling wronged and scared as he retorted in disbelief, "Old Master, can you be more reasonable?? Why does it have to be me?!"

He really did not do anything!

Why were all of them suspecting him?!

"You're the youngest in the institute and only you chase after idols!"

At this thought, the white-haired inspector picked up a broom by the side and chased after him. "How dare you quibble! How dare you say it wasn't you!?"