They Have To Swallow Even If They Don't Want To

However, it just so happened that an artiste had a scandal recently and the higher-ups asked them to think of a way to suppress it.

Therefore, they turned a blind eye to this non-celebrity.

After all, she was merely the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy family.

However, no one expected things to escalate to this extent just because of this illegitimate daughter…

"What do you think we should do? Has the technology department found out who it is?"

The management leader took a deep breath and massaged his temples.

It wasn't that they hadn't screwed uo before, but this was the first time they screwed up this badly…

It was even more scary than capitalism.

"We haven't found out yet, but… we can roughly guess who it is." The people from the technical department gulped.

"Who is it?!"

"The ones from the head computing institute in the country…"

The technical department head took a deep breath and said.