Not Good for the Body

"…An educational movie."

Pei Yunge looked away.

The man slowly picked up a piece of fruit and fed it to Pei Yunge naturally.

Huo Shidu's voice was languid and neither too fast nor too slow, but the words he said made Pei Yunge understand the meaning of 'being too ashamed to face anyone' for the first time.

"Do people not wear clothes in an educational movie?"

"Some things are not easy to learn while wearing clothes." Pei Yunge's tone was slow as she silently turned her swivel chair to the side.

The man's slender and elegant arm grabbed the swivel chair Pei Yunge was sitting on and pulled her towards him.

Pei Yunge had no choice but to look at the man up close.

Huo Shidu's slender index finger tapped on the armrest of the chair beside her. His gradually darkening eyes were attractive and inexplicably aggressive. His low and lazy voice was frivolous and attractive. "Okay, then tell Older Brother, what did you learn?"