Participating in the Competition

Pei Yunge suppressed her temper and said gently, "Then how did you get in?"

"Work pass."

Si Chengyan picked up the work pass in front of his chest. It was tied with a blue string.

He said, "Anyway, you're the only one without a work pass. Besides, aren't you participating in the competition?"

Pei Yunge asked, "When did I participate in the competition?"

After that…

After Pei Yunge asked, she suddenly thought of that scam message.

In that case, that wasn't a scam message?

"You signed up yourself a few days ago, alright? Look at you, you won't even let go of a few million yuan. Are you even human?" Si Chengyan teased carelessly.

Pei Yunge was silent for a moment before she glanced at him. "I didn't sign up."

Hearing this, the smile on Si Chengyan's face froze.

He never thought that someone would use tricks on Pei Yunge so brazenly.