Big Boss's Doubt

Zhao Yi was speechless.

Sure, this fellow was really infuriating.

Zhao Yi gently adjusted the set square on Pei Yunge's head. "Class representative, you can only remove it after class."

Pei Yunge was speechless.


Immediately, a girl next to him said angrily, "How can Teacher Zhao be like this! There were many juniors who voted for you as the Most Popular Teacher last semester because Student Pei was your class representative!"

Hearing this.

Only then did Zhao Yi realize that the reason he was able to win an award was because of his own class representative's face.

"No wonder people come to borrow my class representative's homework every day…"

Zhao Yi had always thought that his students liked him because he was getting more and more passionate in class.

Pei Yunge was speechless.